So, if our thoughts are so powerful, what are you thinking? 

With a Promise of Ascension

This book is a guide to help you better understand what you are experiencing and why. We ARE ascending individually and collectively. This means that ALL aspects of our lives are shifting to a higher vibration, a higher understanding, and higher way of being.

My Angels and Guides would like to assist you in experiencing a better understanding of what is happening to you as you go through this transition. We are shifting in all aspects of our lives. Our physical bodies are changing. How we see things and understand everything is moving beyond our old comprehension.

We are expanding beyond our old limited mindset to become the new higher version of ourselves. This is what we came here to do. This is what we came here to be. Anything less than this higher vibration of yourself is living a lie.

This book was written to teach and explain many aspects of what this transition will look like and feel like on multiple levels. We are transforming to experience our own spiritual awakening.

Come join us as we help you navigate this new way of being. Allow the new higher version of yourself to emerge fully in the understanding that you were created to be MORE, not less.

We are Spiritual beings having a human experience. We are NOT human beings having a Spiritual experience – that would be too limiting for us.

With a Promise of Ascension is available at these online retailers

As we experience this incredible journey on this planet, it would be beneficial to realize that it is through our most challenging times that we have learned the most.